When you're getting ready for your wedding the first step is to create a team to apex predators. This group of guys needs to have you back in every situation. First, you need a Fixer for when something goes wrong at the bachelor party. Second, a Storyteller to keep the guest you want to avoid busy. Third, a Joker can pound them back and tear up the dance floor. Finally, you need the Best Man (Jack of all Trades). Your Best Man needs to be someone that can do anything you need without question. Who will be the first guy you get down on one knee and take a shot with?
This proposal comes with a 3 x 2.5 label that asks your friend the very important question; will he stand by your side? This label fits perfectly on any half-pint (200 Ml) liquor bottle that you can buy at any local package store. The box is also equipped with personalized shot glasses for your groomsmen to shoot down whether he says yes or no! These two great proposal gifts are packed in a sleek black engraved box.
Make this set a guaranteed yes by adding your groomsman's information to the text box above. Follow the example below to ensure accuracy.
Name: Chris Keklik
Role: Groomsman
Wedding Date on Shot Glass (Optional): 9/26/20
The wedding date is optional if you do not provide a wedding date we will leave it off the shot glass. We will engrave the last name on the box and the last name, role, and wedding date on the shot glass. We will print the first name on the label. This set does not come with a bottle of alcohol, you must purchase your buddy's favorite booze and then you can put the label that we send you on the bottle.