Introducing The Custom Cigar Ashtray, a cigar aficionado's dream come true. This large cigar ashtray takes center stage at any cigar-oriented event, making it the perfect gift for your groomsmen or centerpiece for your gatherings. With four generous cigar rests and a spacious ash basin, you can indulge in your favorite cigars for hours. The white porcelain ashtray is elegantly trimmed in silver, adding a touch of sophistication to every smoke session.
Why Choose the Custom Cigar Ashtray? 🌟
🎉 Event-Ready: Whether it's a small gathering or a grand celebration, this ashtray is your cigar's best companion. It's not just an ashtray; it's a focal point of camaraderie.
🧼 Effortless Maintenance: The deep basin keeps ashes well-contained, and cleaning is a breeze. Spend more time enjoying your cigars and less time on cleanup.
🌈 Style Choices: Available in Black & Gold, Black & Silver, or Black & Red, you can match your ashtray to your cigar mood or event theme.
Experience cigar gatherings like never before with The Original Extinguisher. Order now and elevate your cigar collection to new heights! 🚬🎉🌟
This ashtray can be easily personalized with your guy's initials. Please add his information to the personalization box at the top of the page. Follow the example below.
Example: TKC